
About us 








Humanitarian Aid
since 1979 GFE is engaged in Humanitarian Aid Cooperation


in 2012 GFE stopped its activities in the field of Humanitarian Aid

Brussels (2010):
GFE assists the Directorate General ECHO of the European Commission in Brussels with the introduction of the new cost controlling instrument COR
Brussels (2005/2006): GFE evaluates the Directorate General ECHO of the European Commission in Brussels
Brussels (2005): GFE evaluates the cooperation between EU/ECHO and the NGOs
Burundi (2005) GFE evaluated on behalf of EU/ECHO the ECHO co-funded humanitarian activities in Burundi
Haiti (2005): GFE evaluated on behalf of EU/ECHO the ECHO co-funded humanitarian activities in Haiti
Europe/Africa (2005): GFE evaluated on behalf of EU/ECHO humanitarian organization "Médecins sans Frontières".
D.R. of Congo: July/September 2004: GFE won together with Brussels based PROLOG Cie the contract from the European Commission/ECHO to evaluate the Humanitarian AID activities financed by the European Union in the D.R. Congo. The full evaluation report has been published on the official WEB site of the EU/ECHO.
Gaza/Israel, Lebanon/Jordan/Israel/Lebanon: May 2004: GFE won together with Brussels based PROLOG Cie the contract from the European Commission/ECHO to evaluate the Humanitarian AID activities financed by the European Union in the Gaza Stripe, in Lebanon, Israel and Jordan. The full evaluation report has been published on the official WEB site of the EU/ECHO.
EU/ECHO in Angola (2003:  Evaluation of the Emergency Programme of EU/ECHO funded Humanitarian Aid projects
DEC - Disasters Emergency Committee, London (UK) (2003):  "Goma Crisis Appeal", evaluation of the DEC humanitarian aid to Goma
German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin (2002/2003):  Evaluation of the Emergency Programme of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Malawi
EU/ECHO in Afghanistan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras (2002/2003):  Evaluation of the EU/ECHO funded humanitarian aid programmes
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EU/ECHO Thailand (2002): Evaluation of the situation of the refugee camps in North-West Thailand. For more information about GFE Humanitarian Aid Project Evaluations click here.

EU/ECHO in Palestine, Thailand/Burma, Azerbaijan, Albania (1998 - 2001):

Evaluation of the EU/ECHO funded humanitarian aid Programmes

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EU/ECHO - Humanitarian Aid Programme of the European Commission to Macedonia (1996/1999):

Long-term co-ordination of the ECHO activities in Macedonia. Logistics of distribution of help goods, quality analysis and cost control. Permanent evaluation of NGOs working on behalf of ECHO

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German Ministry of Economic Cooperation: Food Security Kenya (1979 - 1985)

German Ministry of Co-operation charged GFE to realize its Food Security Programme for Kenya, in close co-operation the Kenya Freedom from Hunger Council. The project covered all northern districts of Kenya and initiated during a period of six years self help projects, including construction of schools, irrigation schemes, infrastructures, hospitals etc and financed the work by a Food for Work approach.


German Ministry of Cooperation: Food Security Haiti (1979 - 1985):

In close co-operation with ODNO - Organisation du Développement du Nord-Ouest la GFE has realized the regional development programme in one of the poorest regions of Haiti: The North-West. On 150 km² GFE has constructed feeder roads, schools, market places, irrigation schemes and has planted some 100.000 trees per year to reforest that part of Haiti. The programme was also financed by a Food and Cash for Work approach, but also by German governmental funds and counterpart funds generated by food aid.


UNHCR (1979 - 1985)

GFE has been contracted by UNHCR Geneva to organize the logistics of refugee help programmes in many countries. E.g. in Somalia GFE organized the distribution of food into the refugee camps, the audit, the administrative procedures



German Ministry of Economic Cooperation: Early Warning System Somalia Food Security Somalia (1979-1985)

In co-operation with the Ministry of Agriculture GFE has realized the first meteorological service of Somalia. The objective was, to have early data for the forecast of harvest estimates of the whole country and by region. A special information system and computer base allowed forecasts, that enabled the national administration to make early arrangements for early demand for international food aid.

For press article click "Press"

GFE publishes the book: "Ernährungssicherung und Nahrungsmittelhilfe - ein Instrument der Entwicklungshilfe", in Verlag Breitenbach Publishers (Saarbrücken, Fort Lauderdale), by Ulrich Daldrup and Claudia Al Shafie-Mommertz (ISBN 3-88156-187-0), 1981

GFE publishes the book: "Kinderbevölkerung in der Dritten Welt - Auswirkungen der Mangel- und Fehlernährung", in Verlag Breitenbach Publishers (Saarbrücken, Fort Lauderdale), by Paul K.H. Esken (ISBN 3-88156-188-9), 1982


German Ministry of Economic Cooperation: Food Security Tanzania (- 1981)

Thanks to financial funds from German Ministry of Co-operation GFE realized a country wide programme for the construction and required logistics of Storage places for wheat and other harvested products. More than 50% of the Tanzanian harvest was destroyed by insects and impropriate storage before consumption. The programme was also financed by German and US American counterpart funds.